God said to Moses, “I am who I am.”
Exodus 3:14
“O, God, our Help in ages past, our Hope for years to come, our Shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal Home.” These are the opening lyrics to a hymn I sang every New Year’s Eve growing up. I love how these words bring God into context for yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Written by Isaac Watts, this hymn is based on Psalm 90, a psalm designated as a prayer of Moses. How fitting, because it was to Moses that God revealed his name: “I am who I am.” Moses doubted his ability to lead God’s people from Egypt to the promised land, and through his name, God reassured him of his faithfulness, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Are you plagued with doubts as you say good-bye to this year and launch into the next? Remember that God is not “I was” or “I will be.” God is, and always will be, “I am.”
Jane Wilke
Woodbury, MN
Loving God, let me never forget your faithfulness throughout the years. In Jesus. Amen.
Reflect: Make a list of the many times God showed his faithfulness this past year.
Read: Exodus 3:1-23 and Psalm 90:1-17