But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharoah and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
Exodus 3:11
The chairman of our congregation’s building committee sat in our family room and asked the question: “Will you lead the fund-raising effort?” I looked at my husband for his response, but he answered, “He’s not asking me; he’s asking you.” Me? I was shocked, honored, and scared to death. Me — raise over a million dollars for remodeling and expansion? What if I failed?
Moses experienced the same reaction. God answered, “But I will be with you.” And he was.
Who, you? God places tasks in front of you every day. Some look easy, others insurmountable. Like Moses, you may be ready with excuses — your age, health, lack of resources and energy — but his assurance is the same. He will be with you in all he has called you to do.
Eileen Ritter
Byron Center, MI
Help me, Lord, to say “Yes,” knowing you are with me. Amen.
Reflect: What is God calling you to do today? Say “Yes,” confident of his presence and aid.
Read: Exodus 3 and Psalm 46:7