“... An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt ...’”
Matthew 2:13
After the holidays, I hugged my in-law’s good-bye and let the tears flow. Our 2,000-mile separation was more than I could bear at times. Packing Christmas decorations would keep me busy. Wrapping tissue around the Mary and Joseph figures, I considered the multiple separations this family experienced — first to Bethlehem, then to Egypt — to keep the Christ-child safe. Like Mary and Joseph, our move resulted from the Lord’s instructions, not for safety reasons, but to serve in the ministry. Like Mary and Joseph, we left everything familiar because God said, “Go.” Obeying God is both a privilege and a challenge. Yet, just as the Father accompanied the holy family to Egypt, so he goes with us. He provides the strength to obey and ensures his comforting presence wherever we go.
Gretchen Huesmann
Pensacola, FL
Lord, give me the courage and strength to obey you. Remind me of your continual presence. Amen.
Reflect: Saying good-bye to family members is never easy. Remember that you are not alone.
Read: Joshua 1:9 and Matthew 2