... And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20
Two young boys were playing with their trucks in the dirt in front of the garage. Unaware of their presence, a man entered the garage from a back door, got into the car, and started backing out. Screams brought the car to a halt, but not before leaving tire marks on the forehead of the younger boy. That little guy survived the scary moment, grew up, and became my husband and the driver, my father-in-law.
Often, after events like this, we think, “What if WE had done this, or WE had not done that?” I prefer to think, “What if GOD had not been present at that minute?” We’ve all known fear at times, but our God has promised to be with us always. Believe it!
Clare Hilgendorf
Appleton, WI
Lord, help me to always trust in your blessed presence. Amen.
Reflect: At the end of the day, count your blessings and be grateful.
Read: Joshua 1:5 and Isaiah 43:2