... if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17
We are a new creation because of Jesus’ death. How is this meaningful in our lives since it happened over 2000 years ago? It’s so far back in history that we are tempted to look on it as an event with no meaning today.
Some say Christ’s death isn’t important. They see it as just a memory and not relevant for today. But, by the Spirit of God, that crucifixion brings meaning for us today. I can’t explain why it has such transforming power. We must just accept it by faith. I don’t understand how an automobile works, but I drive it in faith, faith that it will take me to my destination. So, Christ dying for our sins is something we accept by faith, and because of it, we become a new creation.
Mike Lutz
Youngsville, NC
Lord, let us see ourselves as new in Christ. Amen.
Reflect: What does Christ’s death and resurrection mean to you?
Read: 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 and Hebrews 11:1