“For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.”
Hebrews 12:6
I don’t recall if I was angry or bored when I repeatedly hit the door’s metal frame each time
it retracted towards me. Yet, I do remember my grandfather’s words, “You’re going to put your arm through the glass.” Ignoring his warning, I continued to strike the door. Soon, I sat clutching my mom’s hand while a doctor stitched up my young flesh just below the shoulder.
We are often tempted to ignore God’s warnings, too. Sometimes, God allows us to fall and face the consequences as part of his loving discipline. My grandfather never said, “I told you so.” Neither does God. When we return to him with repentant hearts, he stitches up our wounds with forgiveness and grace.
Gretchen Huesmann
Pensacola, FL
Lord, help me to heed your warnings and obey you. Amen.
Reflect: Confess any recent disobedience and thank God for his mercy and grace.
Read: Hebrews 12 and Psalm 32