“Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”
Matthew 10:31
I live alone, as many of you do. I can go days without leaving the house, and even when I go out, I rarely run into anyone I know. Sometimes I wonder how long it would be before anyone took note of my absence. I guess the people at church would notice I wasn’t there but wouldn’t get alarmed for a few weeks. In the winter I bowl, so my bowling team would check up on me. I sing in the choir, and the kids call off and on, but you get my gist.
God knows when a little sparrow falls. “Fear not,” the writer says; “you are of more value than many sparrows.” I’m comforted knowing the Sovereign Lord knows my going out and my coming in, and he cares for me.
Katherine Klemp
St. Paul, MN
Father, thank you for watching over my every move. Amen.
Reflect: Think about how God’s love can cast out fear.
Read: Psalm 46:1-7 and Isaiah 41:10-13