Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!
1 Chronicles 16:11
Sunday Bible class was blessed with a semi-truck driver passing through town. He was willing to share a prayer, and the events of his trucker’s life in an entertaining, enlightening way. Dave shared how he and other truckers would gather
for a moment of prayer as their day started. Weekend driving found him looking for a church to attend. He shared that if he didn’t start every day with a devotional reading, his day was guaranteed to not go well. He knew Jesus was present with him in daily life. He shared about watching the traffic lights from down the street, and his prayer of: “Lord — I really need that light to stay green,” and the light stayed green. Once through the intersection safely, thankfulness showed through with his “Thanks, Lord — I needed that.”
Connie Streich
Montello, WI
Thank you, Lord, for being with us every moment of every day. Amen.
Reflect: Think about a time you’ve been blessed to find a lost item or when you get your “green light.”
Read: Matthew 28:20 and Romans 8:38-39