Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of time ...
Ephesians 5:15
As repositioning loomed, I was often asked, “So what are you going to do next?” My flippant response was often, “Do I have to do anything?” Once settled in our first-ever house, I realized how time was a welcomed gift.
This unexpected blessing helped me look for opportunities that would stretch and challenge me, personally and spiritually. I discovered that I GET to — not, have to. I am blessed by weekly Bible Studies! Sharing the Good News of Jesus with our Early Childhood Center and Sunday morning children fills me with delight! In addition, playing my Kanabe baby grand piano feeds my soul. Cuddling NICU babies in our local children’s hospital is pure delight! My heart is full — I GET to!
Louise Weber
Fort Myers, FL
Good Father, thanks for blessing me with multiple opportunities to grow in my relationship with you through the sharing of myself with others. Amen.
Reflect: How is time a welcomed gift for you?
Read: Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 and Isaiah 55:8-12