They murmured in their tents and did not obey the voice of the Lord.
Psalm 106:25
The Psalmist used his poetry skills to review the history of the Israelites in Psalm 106. This statement hits home: “They murmured in their tents.” That term means they complained in their thoughts, in low tones or even out loud to criticize or grumble about the actions of others. Murmuring is not only an Old Testament problem, but a universal 21st century problem as well. While in our tent, home, apartment, or hospital bed, it is sinful human nature to quietly, in our minds, criticize God for the situation we find ourselves. Remember, God hears those murmurings.
When we replace murmurings with thankfulness and praise, not only does our outlook change, but we are praising God instead of blaming him.
Dave Ebeling
Bloomington, IN
Dear Lord, forgive me for my murmurings, empower me by your Spirit to turn those into praise and thankfulness! In Jesus name. Amen.
Reflect: Make a list of people, places, and situations that have led you to be a complainer.
Read: Psalm 139 and Matthew 9:10-13