“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations ...”
Matthew 28:19a
March’s grey, wintry days are enlivened by the observance of St. Patrick and wild celebration. But the irony is that all the secular partying is in the name of one of Christendom’s greatest missionaries. God called this young shepherd back from captivity in Ireland to proclaim the Gospel. Obediently, Patrick displayed a single-minded zeal to fulfill God’s plan, and equipped other converts to join him in his mission. Despite great opposition, Patrick ordained priests, founded congregations, and encouraged the faithful in lives of holiness. While “holiness” may be in short supply on St. Patrick’s Day, we can give thanks to God for Patrick who, overwhelmed by God’s call, led a fruitful and faithful life dedicated to his Lord. May Patrick’s zeal for mission be ours!
Donald Hinchey
Loveland, CO
Lord, stir up in us the fervor for bringing your gospel to others. Amen.
Reflect: Wear a shamrock. Explain its 3-in-one meaning to someone.
Read: Psalm 96 and Matthew 28:16-20