... as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.
Matthew 25:40
As we age, we often find tasks become more difficult. Things we once did easily now require assistance. We need help with household tasks, lawn work, or maintenance. Eventually we might need help dressing ourselves, feeding ourselves, or bathing ourselves. This can lead to frustration, anger, and even despair. We can question why God continues to let us live and doesn’t take us home to him.
Jesus tells us those who are helping us with those simple tasks of eating, dressing, or bathing are ultimately helping him. When we become “the least of these,” we become Jesus to those who assist us. What a wonderful reason to praise God, even in our infirmities.
Terry Buethe
Gretna, NE
Jesus, help us to recognize you within our aging bodies and shine your light on those who help us. Amen.
Reflect: Find instances when God used someone’s infirmity to teach about himself.
Read: Matthew 25:31-40 and Galatians 5:13-14