And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm. He said to them, “Where is your faith? ...”
Luke 8:24-25
A valid question. The disciples knew Jesus well. They had listened as he opened scripture to them. They had seen him heal great numbers of people. They stood witness as he cast out demons. He raised a widow’s son from the dead. What part of his limitless and loving care for people didn’t they get?
Whenever you’re faced with new fears and challenges, look back. How many years have you walked with Jesus? How many blessings has he bestowed on your life? When has he let you down?
This simple review will show his obvious presence and care over the years and upholds our faith in the One who always loves and cares.
Katherine Klemp
St. Paul, MN
Thank you, Lord, for your love and care throughout my many years. Amen.
Reflect: Sing, “O God Our Help in Ages Past” (LSB 733).
Read: Luke 8:22-25 and Psalm 23