Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations.
Psalm 90:1
Time sometimes makes us tense. There always seems a need to be somewhere on schedule. Some cultures are much less compelled by time. Languages operate by tenses. Some count it vital. (Like the astronaut adjusting to connect with the space station.)
Does God ever let time get in the way of his loving us? Does he ever miss an “appointment?” God has his own time zone. He is the God of time, no matter what time it is or will be.
Don’t get tense about your salvation. God has always been on time to take us to heaven. Remember “For while we were still weak ... Christ died for the ungodly ... while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:6-8).
Ed Grube
Addison, IL
Dear timeless God, come soon to take us where there is no time all the time. Amen.
Reflect: Make a mental note of the good times God has given you — past, present, and future.
Read: Psalm 90:1-6 and Matthew 24:36