Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12
“Age is just a number,” says my friend at our Bible study. And while that is true, that number of years can fill us with so many emotions like wonder, regret, or gratitude.
The psalmist acknowledges that our time on earth is limited. We reach a birthday, and the number of years brings a regretful response: “How did I ever get to be so old?” “I am outliving my mother, my father!”
Looking back, it’s tempting to dwell on opportunities missed, mistakes made, and friends who have gone.
Or might you consider the advice of the Psalmist and look back “numbering your days,” to discover how God’s hand has moved in your life through times of delight and darkness to form the grace-filled tapestry that is your life today? How has Jesus’ forgiving grace formed you through all your days?
Don Hinchey
Loveland, CO
Lord, teach me to number my days in your grace. Amen.
Reflect: Throughout your life, God has shaped you to be the person you are.
Read: Psalm 139 and Jeremiah 29:11