If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins ...
1 John 1:9
Despite my mom’s salad-making instructions, I often rushed through the job so I could watch television.
One time, Mom called me back and chided me while holding up the large lettuce leaves I’d plopped into the bowl. I burst into tears. “I’m sorry, but my favorite show was coming on.”
She forgave me and explained the importance of obedience and following directions. When she clarified, “If the salad leaves are too big to eat, the salad looks messy.” Her explanation showed me the consequences of my disobedience. Mom forgave me. Then we made a beautiful salad together. We often go our own way rather than obey God. There are always consequences to our actions, but I’m grateful for his promise in 1 John 1:9.
Jeannie Waters
Macon, GA
Father, help me to choose obedience when I’m tempted to go my own way. Amen.
Reflect: Are you tempted to rush toward your choices instead of seeking God’s instructions?
Read: Proverbs 28:13 and Matthew 6:14-15