Count it all joy ... when you meet trials ... that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
James 1:2-4
Recently I asked a 97-year-old church member if she felt she was mature in Christ. Her wise answer was, “No, I don’t handle trials very well!” Trials can be overwhelming and devastating. Possibly this acronym for trials: To Remember I Always Learn Something will remind you that whatever your age, wisdom follows the struggle.
From John’s Gospel reading, the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well faced numerous trials from not one, but five failed marriages. During their private exchange, Jesus commissioned her as a missionary to her community, as many believed in Jesus because of her testimony. Jesus can use everyone ... even you! Try focusing on what is being learned instead of the trial itself to help you “count it all joy.”
Dianna Hitchler
Onalaska, WI
Dearest Jesus, thank you for continuing to “mature and complete” us in the Gospel as we face daily trials. Amen.
Reflect: This fall, study a mature tree and ponder its victory over trials.
Read: James 1:2-4 and 12 and John 4:1-42