“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing ...”
Isaiah 43:18-19
Summer school once was a time when kids who came up short on academic standards had to pay the price for their shortcomings. (Not that I’d know anything about that.) How they might have dreamed of God’s voice booming from heaven, notifying parents, teachers, neighbors, and siblings that they were getting a fresh start (maybe learning more about run-on sentences)!
God’s promise to his Old Testament people encompassed far more than a summer session. And it speaks to us too. God, our Creator, Redeemer, and Savior accompanies us through life. Even providing run-on grace! Enjoy your summer. Enjoy God. Enjoy time to grow in the Word. Praise God. All blessings, old and new, come from him. In him we have redemption through his blood. Don’t look backward. Look forward.
Ed Grube
Addison, IL
Heavenly Father, thank you for all things new from you. Amen.
Reflect: Consider the new things that you and your family could use to God’s glory.
Read: Isaiah 43:1-19 and Romans 12:2