With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
Isaiah 12:3
Years ago, I sat with eyes fixed on the mountain stream. My father put his arm around me and asked, “you like watching the powerful river, don’t you?” Spring snowmelt gushing over rocks, endlessly pushing forward, still captivates me.
When I was younger, I owned the brimming river’s boldness. I too, burst with excitement in each surge, crest, and turn. Consumed with where life would take me, I was eager to explore its possibilities.
These days I’m more focused on the river’s origin, the force stirring the waters. I’m more likely to find phone calls, paperwork, or decisions challenging, and so count on God to replenish me with springs of joy. He floods me with new ideas! Solutions flow into place! He interjects his saving power to feed his moving stream.
Lisa Heule
Littleton, CO
Father, thank you for replenishing me from your wells of salvation! Amen.
Reflect: Where, along God’s mighty river, is your focus today?
Read: Isaiah 41:18 and Ezekiel 31:4