Then he said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Mark 4:9
Laryngitis hit me on the exact days we attended a family event. For a chronic talker like me, the effort to withhold my words rivaled my throat pain. Yet, as I practiced patience, I also discovered the joy of listening. I noticed smiles that accompanied stories and saw sorrow behind spoken struggles. Forced to remain silent, I learned more about my loved ones than I would have otherwise.
Jesus reminds us to listen to his words, not just hear them; to pay attention and apply his message — an impossible task if we’re always talking. The old saying about having two ears and one mouth for a reason remains valid.
As my voice healed, I asked God to help me remember the benefits of listening. May God give us ears to hear and a heart to listen.
Gretchen Huesmann
Pensacola, FL
Dear Lord, help me to talk less and listen more. Amen.
Reflect: Practice active listening today. Strive to be more interested than interesting.
Read: Psalm 141:3 and Proverbs 10:19–21