Even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you.
Isaiah 46:4
Last fall we had a planning meeting to brainstorm ideas that could be included in our Senior’s Ministry. The ideas included Senior Bible Classes, topics for speakers, and activities such as pickle ball.
Then one person spoke up and said, “I think we need a snippet for Seniors in the church newsletter every week. Because of aging, we are all facing the same trials so a short snippet of encouragement, advice, or a Bible passage would be helpful.”
Another member suggested “We could call the snippets “Joyful Jottings.” October marks the first anniversary of Joyful Jottings. They have brought smiles to people’s faces, helped them at times of loneliness and loss and helped our Seniors to continue to grow in their faith.
Stan Tordsen
Stewartville, MN
Lord, thank you for the many snippets of help, hope, and salvation you have given us in your word. Amen.
Reflect: Share activities your Seniors Ministry might do to help its members.
Read: Isaiah 12:2 and Romans 12:12