The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.
Psalm 118:14
“Let’s sing, girls!” Those were the words of our dad calling us to gather around the piano. He was a church organist and we learned to sing hymns in harmony at a young age. My sisters and I often filled our home with joyful noise.
Thanks to Luther and the hymn writers who followed, we are able to express our thanks and praise to God with song! Whether alone or gathered with fellow believers, we can joyfully confess all that our Lord has done for us. Favorite hymns bring back special memories. Singing “Beautiful Savior,” LSB 537, always takes me back to harmonizing with my sisters.
Because of God’s amazing gift of grace, we have much to be grateful for! Let’s give thanks and sing with JOY!
Clare Hilgendorf
Appleton, WI
Dear Lord, help me to always remember that you are the source of all my blessings. Amen.
Reflect: Recall a favorite hymn connected to a special moment in your life.
Read: Psalm 69:30 and Song of Solomon 2:12