Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously ... Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.”
Isaiah 12:5-6
The daily news may be terrible, but the Good News of the Gospel gives birth to hope and celebration. “Do not lose hope” the prophet urges, for “The Holy One is among you.” Here resounds the Gospel of Advent and Christmas. The child of Bethlehem is nothing less than the Son of God’s entry into our world. He came, not simply as a spectator, but as a Savior. He is still with us to save and redeem dying sinners.
We have hope, for God is faithful; his promises are sure. You will see his saving acts, and you will sing songs of celebration. We can be so sure of this that we can already live hopefully and joyfully in celebration of what God has done and surely will do.
Paul Scheidt
Chesterfield, MO
Praise to you, Lord Jesus. Increase my faith and trust in the Gospel of Christmas and the promise of salvation. Amen.
Reflect: The Holy Spirit will calm your fears and increase your confidence in the Gospel.
Read: Isaiah 12:1-6 and I Thessalonians 5:16-24