... so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.
2 Corinthians 1:5
As a visiting pastor, I have the privilege of handing out prayer shawls to our shut-ins. Our coordinator, Peg, collects the shawls from our knitters and gives them to me to pass out. She says, “Our prayer shawls share comfort in Christ, since our members are praying for them. I attach a card which reminds them about our prayers. Sometimes they will wear the shawls, but they will place them on a chair, and they believe that they’re not alone, but someone is praying for them.”
St. Paul reminds us that we can share abundantly in comfort. God comforts us with his peace through Jesus Christ, but we don’t have to keep it for ourselves. Truly, we can comfort each other, even with a prayer shawl!
Paul Hoffman
Parma, OH
Lord, comfort us in Christ so we share abundantly in your comfort. Amen.
Reflect: Think of someone who needs comfort. Phone them and bless them.
Read: Psalm 23:4 and 2 Corinthians 7:6