You are serving the Lord Christ.
Colossians 3:24
Do you enjoy serving others? Regardless of what you do, be it at your place of work, in the church, in your home, it is significant to remember that our service is done to serve God and not man. To work heartily for the Lord means to work heartily for the reward of joy in the Lord. Paul is telling us to serve God with our entire heart. Serving the Lord with the best of your ability, means not cutting corners and not complaining. The service that you do will not gain salvation with God. It is showing your love for God and for others. We are to serve out of love, mercy, and grace. We care for the least, the lost, and the last. Serving God comes from an open heart, a willing heart, and a generous heart.
David Bever
Las Vegas, NV
Lord, help me to look for opportunities to help someone in need. Amen.
Reflect: Find someone that you can help with their needs.
Read: John 12:26 and 1 Samuel 12:24