To equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.
Ephesians 4:12 (NIV)
As I write this devotion, there are 8 high school students and 2 adults from Houston, TX, working in our backyard. They paid their own way to come to Colorado to sleep on the floor and share two bathrooms with 20 other people for a week. They are pulling weeds, moving rock, laying mulch, and painting fences — all with a smile.
There are a million things they could be doing this week, but this group of youth and adults have heard God’s call to serve with love. They have set aside their video games, sports activities, and even their phones to spend a week serving seniors in our community. And they do it with a smile on their face and love in their hearts. Thanks be to God!
Margaret Hinchey
Loveland, CO
Gracious God, thank you for the example of those who serve others with love. Amen.
Reflect: When have you set aside things you could be doing to serve others?
Read: Galatians 5:13 and Joshua 22:5