This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night ...
Joshua 1:8a
All my adult life, I was in Lutheran education as a teacher, principal, and director of Christian education. It seemed like I never had time to be in Bible study or read Scripture regularly. If anything, I taught Bible study, but that wasn’t personal study. Since retirement, I am in three Bible studies that help me “grow in the Gospel.” To help you “grow in the Gospel,” look around for a Bible study. Ask your pastor about what is offered at your church. If you are in a nursing care facility, often they offer Bible studies as part of their weekly activities. They know how growing spiritually helps one’s mind and how you feel emotionally. You may not be able to be active physically, but you can be active spiritually!
Ken Schilf
New Haven, IN
Dear Father, help me to dig into Scripture. Amen.
Reflect: See how you can grow closer to Jesus by being in the Word.
Read: Revelation 1:3 and Romans 15:4