“Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen.”
Mark 16:6
Easter Lilies are symbols of Christ’s purity, angelic trumpets, and beauty. Churches and homes are filled with them. But what is the response towards the lilies after Easter? Most are no longer wanted and are placed in the trash.
Besides lilies, Easter services have special music, a packed house, and the message about the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus. Unfortunately, for many people, the response to the Easter message is much like the response to the Easter lilies. Soon after, they feel their life is good and they don’t need the message, so they forget it, and the pews become empty.
Let our response always be prayers of thanksgiving, songs of praise, and a desire to reach out to others with the blessings of hearing God’s word every week.
Stan Tordsen
Stewartville, MN
Father, your Son is risen. He is risen indeed! Amen.
Reflect: Why is attending weekly worship services important to you?
Read: John 19 and 20 and John 3:16