... the authorities are God’s servants ... Give everyone what you owe him ... if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Romans 13:6-7 (NIV)
We were at the airport awaiting our luggage when we saw the veterans returning from their honor flight. Applause broke out and continued until all of them had passed by. Their tired faces suddenly brightened, as they received the respect and honor they deserved. God’s servants, I believe, include the members of our Armed Forces. What do we owe our veterans? We owe them honor and respect, as well as our gratitude for the sacrifices they made to protect and preserve our precious freedoms. As great as some of their sacrifices were, they pale in comparison with the sacrifice our Savior made to save us from our most fearsome enemies: sin, death, and Satan. Through his atoning sacrifice on the cross and his victorious resurrection, Jesus conquered “the big bad three,” so we might live as God’s free and forgiven children.
Gil Duchow
Muskego, WI
Blessed Redeemer, we are eternally grateful for your ultimate sacrifice for our sins and our salvation. Amen.
Reflect: Express your gratitude to the veterans you know and meet. Show them respect and honor.
Read: Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17