Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!
Psalm 118:1
To thank, praise, serve, and obey God is a description of full engagement. It is a fitting response to the Triune God who gives possibilities to all that is life. It is not a part-time activity, but an unwavering lifestyle.
Phyllis embraced that. She thanked God for his gifts during our small group’s Friday morning prayer time. She served as a step-up-to-the-plate 22-Hour Prayer Vigil organizer on Holy Saturday. Phyllis praised God as she hurried to set up the Lord’s Supper though she had a prosthesis. She obeyed God by not despairing of God’s Son, Jesus, when her own son abandoned human relationships for drugs.
Phyllis displayed a resilient response to God’s love. By God’s grace, she recently entered her heavenly home.
Harry Edenfield
Brownstown, MI
Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for the encouraging witnesses you have recorded in the Bible and in our life experiences. Amen.
Reflect: See a Phyllis. Be a Phyllis (or Phil). God loves a responsive heart.
Read: Psalm 118 and 1 John 5:1-5