... Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.
2 Corinthians 4:16
Have you noticed how many products use some form of “renew” in their name? A quick search found skin care products, vitamins, windows, and swimming pool water treatments! It’s not just senior citizens who realize our bodies are declining, and it’s not just seniors wishing to avoid that decline.
God is in the business of renewal. He promises not only an eventual renewed body that will never wear out, but right now, offers to daily renew and grow our faith and its fruits — hope, joy, love, and so much more. Every time we remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us, each time we worship, pray, read his word, or talk about him with others, we’re receiving a renewal treatment!
Karen Kogler
Palatine, IL
Father, so many of us fear our decline. Help me share the good news of the renewal you offer. Amen.
Reflect: Where are you wasting away? Where are you being renewed?
Read: Isaiah 40:31 and 2 Corinthians 5:17-18