I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
Psalm 77:11
Memory is a gift. Our dear friend, Betty, was well into her nineties when we began visiting her. When she died at 104 her memory was “sharp as a tack,” by her own admission.
Betty could recall details, incidents, and people from decades ago as easily as she brought back short-term memories. “This body may be wearing down,” Betty would say, “but God has given me a good memory, and I’m grateful.”
When we dip back into our pool of memories, we join the psalmist, revisiting God’s deeds and wonders throughout the years of our lives. Remembering is not only pleasant and profitable, but also an act of praise to the God or our days.
Remember God’s deeds! Remember God’s wonders!
Donald Hinchey
Loveland, CO
Lord God, sharpen my memory to praise you. Amen.
Reflect: Keep a prayer/memory journal, storing your memories on paper.
Read: Isaiah 43:16-21 and John 14:23-27