... great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:23b
In January of this year, my husband died unexpectedly. My heart has been hurting ever since that day. Hurting. I felt that I needed to be resuscitated in order to survive. Perhaps the word “renewed” also applies in this situation.
When I looked up the definition of “renew,” I discovered that it can also mean “breathe new life into.” And isn’t that what the Holy Spirit does? He gives us new life and hope amid our sorrows. He is faithful. He is our Comforter.
For those of you who understand the feeling of great loss, immerse yourselves in Scripture and prayer. Seek out opportunities to experience the comfort that the Holy Spirit provides. Lastly, trust completely in the promises of God. He will always give you what you need when you need it.
Jan Bathke
Eau Claire, WI
Lord, teach me to trust completely in your promises. Amen.
Reflect: If you are able, reach out to others who need comfort during a difficult time in their lives.
Read: Psalm 94:19 and Psalm 51:12