... “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
Luke 23:43
My sister gave me a dish towel complete with the embroidered grand prize ribbon containing the words “From a procrastination standpoint, today has been wildly successful.” She knew from past comments I had made how accurate those words are with respect to my crafting projects. Isn’t it breath-taking to realize our Lord did not hesitate or procrastinate when he assured the repentant criminal on the cross next to him? Those crosses represent rejection, repentance, and redemption Our life, as we encourage one another, is the light showing the path away from the cross of rejection to reach the cross of repentance, reconciliation, and redemption.
Connie Streich
Montello, WI
Lord, may we be daily encouraged to help others see the need for God and help them choose the cross of reconciliation and redemption through the gift of faith from the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Reflect: Take the time to focus on others who might need an encouraging smile or brief word.
Read: Hebrews 10:24-25 and Thessalonians 5:14