Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven ...”
Matthew 6:9
The Lord’s Prayer is a gift; a guide to prayer from the Lord himself. During Lent I plan to review the catechism on The Lord’s Prayer. This prayer provides a blueprint for responsive prayer. I can pray it with others. I have also prayed it, as the early Christians did, at certain times throughout the day knowing my friends in Christ are joining me at those times praying our Lord’s prayer individually but together. This prayer entails trust and surrender, enlivening obedience, and provoking service to others as God provides, protects, and serves us daily. It positions us lovingly as beloved children of our mighty God. It urges our honest reflection and repentance in the loving embrace of our Father. It assures of forgiveness and establishes our motive for forgiving others. It inflames our worship and praise of the one who provides for every need now and forever.
Nancy Rapp
Crestwood, MO
Dear Lord, in your mercy, you have taught us to pray. May we be faithful to do it. Amen.
Reflect: Spend time during Lent praying the Lord’s Prayer to him who taught us to pray.
Read: Matthew 6:5-14 and Psalm 51:11-12