Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
Romans 12:12-13
Our son and daughter-in-law, their two kids, and one large dog live in an apartment in New York City. They don’t have a lot of room, but long ago they made hospitality a priority and had a table made that seats 10. Yes, comfortably! When we recall hospitality among God’s people, we see generosity. Early Christians in the Book of Acts shared everything, and no one went hungry. My husband and I like to entertain, too, but I confess the story of Mary and Martha more closely describes my preparation — stressful. The house must be immaculate, the food perfect. But Jesus asks us to straighten our priorities by listening to his Word, praying, being patient and joyful — even when there’s work to be done! And you know that big table in NYC? They just painted it a joyous red!
Sally Beck
Williamsburg, VA
Dear Jesus, help me practice hospitality your way. Amen.
Reflect: Ask God to remove stress and give you and your guests his joy.
Read: Luke 10:38-42 and Romans 12:9-21