“Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.”
Matthew 25:21
With age, our bodies slow down. It takes longer for me to do things I used to do easily. Just because life gets smaller due to growing limitations, our prayers can still be full.
Jesus teaches us that even our tiniest task can be a prayerful offering to God, for the sake of salvation. Everything we do; everything we experience — physically, emotionally, and mentally — is ours to give to God. No speck goes to waste.
I saw that prayer-filled purpose in my mom. Her life was centered in Christ’s love which she prayerfully shared. Last year, at age 93, mom entered the joy of our Lord. Although she is no longer with us on earth, her prayerful service lives on in the lives she touched.
Praise God!
Carol Monaco
Bethesda, MD
Dear Lord, help me to see the prayerful value of my aging life. Amen.
Reflect: Do not waste your days; offer your daily living to God.
Read: Matthew 25:20-23 and Romans 12:1-2