You know my reproach, and my shame and my dishonor ...
Psalm 69:19
Ugh! I did it again. I became emotional and let strong feelings control my tongue and my tone. I spoke sharply, inappropriately, and in doing so, I was hurtful and let others down.
When we sin, another temptation lurks at our door: the temptation to wallow in our shame, to hold onto our reproach. This is not God’s plan or hope for us. The Spirit prompts our confession, opens our eyes to Jesus as he reaches out to us in love, offering us
the forgiveness he earned for us on the cross. Jesus’ resurrection sealed the deal. We need not linger in our disgrace, kicking ourselves for oft-repeated sins. Jesus’ arms hold us secure; we cannot out sin his love.
Jill Rodenbeck
Fort Wayne, IN
Dear Jesus, thank you for loving us more than we can understand. Amen.
Reflect: Pass Jesus’ forgiveness on to others who also need it.
Read: James 3:2, 7-10 and Jeremiah 33:8