... God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
My dad got COVID this year during his 95th birthday. It made him weak but thank God he fully recovered. Sometimes when I get sick, I also feel weak, and the weight of my sin weighs heavy upon me. I have too much time to dwell on my sins. This verse, Romans 5:8, blew me away the first time I found it in the Bible during a Bible class years ago. It still does overwhelm me. Christ did not wait for us to be sinless before he went to the cross. Jesus loves me (and you) this I know. ... When I am weak, he is strong. Wow, what a Savior!
Nancy Rapp
St. Louis, MO
Dear Savior, thank you for your love and grace. Thank you for being the Great Physician, healing all our ills and forgiving all our sins. Amen.
Reflect: Read Romans 15:13 and share this joy and peace with someone sick in body, mind, or soul.
Read: Psalm 46 and Luke 5:31-32