“The Lord knows those who are his.”
2 Timothy 2:19
I have a plaque in my living room that sometimes makes people do a double take. It says, “Jesus knows me, this I love.” I love the fact that Jesus knows me, because when you love someone, you want them to really know you ... inside and out. Otherwise, their love is superficial, built on shifting sand. But God really DOES know us: our hearts, our thoughts, the good and the bad. Sometimes we may wish he didn’t know everything about us; there’s plenty we’re ashamed of. But because he knows us completely, he can forgive us completely. It’s mind-boggling to think that God could KNOW us and still love us, but that’s who he is!
Linda Winterhoff
Williamsburg, VA
All-knowing Father, help us to be glad you know us intimately and love us still. Amen.
Reflect: Think of things you’d just as soon God didn’t know and ask him for forgiveness.
Read: 1 Corinthians 13:12 and Acts 1:24