... We rejoice in our sufferings ... suffering produces endurance ...
Romans 5:3
I was concentrating on a craft project, leaning into it at my desk. I decided to stop, and stiffened muscles gave a rude awakening, reminding me I am not as young as I was. I painfully straightened into a more upright position. The aches and pains of maturing gracefully, or just aging in my case (there was not much gracefulness in my movements), gave me a chuckle. While my agility and grace were lacking, God’s grace was not! His favor and kindness towards us are a daily blessing. I remember the bible verse on suffering producing endurance, and within the word itself, is “end.” With God in control, I know that whatever my aging future holds, I rest in him. Psalm 73:26 reminds me that my body may fail, but God is my strength.
Connie Streich
Montello, WI
Lord, thank you for the abilities we have and your grace when our bodies complain. Amen.
Reflect: God promises that he is always with us; God cannot lie.
Read: Psalm 73:26 and Joshua 1:9