For I long to see you ... that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.
Romans 1:11-12
We often encourage others in faith, inviting someone to a Bible class or sharing ways in which God blessed us with his peace. With those who are troubled about sin, we share the good news of the forgiveness we have in Jesus.
Encouragement is a two-way street. Our own faith grows stronger as we see the Lord lift up others in difficult circumstances. Watching them grow in faith, we grow stronger as we remember what God has done for us. Encouragement flows in both directions, but from a single source — our Lord Jesus Christ. By his death and resurrection, he first lifted us up through his self-sacrificing love. Now we follow in his steps: “As I have loved you, you also are to love one another” (John 13:34).
Carol Geisler
Orange, CA
Jesus, guide me according to your Word so that I can help others. Amen.
Reflect: Set an encouraging example for others through your own study of Scripture.
Read: John 13:31-35 and Romans 1:8-15