“Speak, O Lord, for your servant hears.”
1 Samuel 3:9
The times I most sense the inspiring presence of God is when I am writing a sermon. But there is something that goes on before I write a sermon. I remind myself that this sermon is for me. I have no right to step foot into the pulpit to share a biblical message with others, until, and unless, I know this message is for me; for the assurance my sins are forgiven, for the strengthening of my faith, and for the development of my spiritual journey.
In the same way, it is my prayer for that sermon, that the receiver would also be saying, when he or she comes into the house of the Lord, “This sermon is meant for me!”
Jerrold Lloyd Nichols
Fort Wayne, IN
Dear Lord, I am so thankful I can worship you in the beauty of holiness with my family and friends. Amen.
Reflect: Does your church provide printed copies of the sermon to share with family and friends?
Read: Acts 9, Acts 22, and Acts 26