They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The Lord is upright; he is my Rock ...”
Psalm 92:14-15a
“I’ve always thought of you as a mentor.” Although I love to open positive emails, those words both delighted and scared me. I felt affirmed, but more than a bit nervous. Me, a mentor? Mentors have wisdom. I’m not smart enough. Plus, at only 75, I’m definitely not old enough!
As the years slip past, we may be called to do the unexpected. We might need to make difficult decisions with long-ranging implications. We might face unfamiliar aspects of personal care or new areas of household management. Unforeseen responsibilities, regardless of their significance, can be overwhelming. But we need to “click pause” and remember: the same God who has walked alongside us all these years is still in charge.
Whether the path is well-worn or we’re treading through uncharted waters, God will lead us forward.
Mary Manz Simon
Ft. Myers, FL
Lord, equip me for the tasks before me and those that lie farther ahead. Amen.
Reflect: When did God unexpectedly provide you with exactly what you needed?
Read: Isaiah 40:31 and Isaiah 55:8-9