For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
God created a perfect world, no evil, no sin, all was good. But mankind was tempted to be like God, and so disobeyed God’s law. Punishment for disobeying (called sin) was death; eternal separation from God. Because of that first sin, now all the world, both human and animal, is evil and contaminated with sin. But because God loved the world he created and those living in it, he redeemed and reclaimed us, through sacrificing his Son, Jesus, in our place.
We can rejoice, that through God’s grace of sacrificing his Son on the cross in our place, we, who were lost and condemned to eternal death, are now found, and have eternal life.
Gordon E. Freese
St. Louis, MO
Dear Father, help me to always remember that I am a sinner deserving nothing but eternal damnation, but that solely, by your grace, I am free of sin. Amen.
Reflect: Though I am a sinner, God has redeemed me, through the blood of Jesus.
Read: Romans 3:24 and Ephesians 1:7