“... Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19
How do you react when you see someone covered with tattoos and jewelry in their nose, tongue, and ears? Our waitress looked like that recently. Afterward, I asked my wife, “How do they hire a person to serve food looking like that?”
Weekly, we return to that restaurant and get the same waitress. “Forced” to engage in conversation, I discovered she’s a single parent with a four-year-old boy. His father is
in prison. Then I noticed three crosses tattooed on her neck. “Do you believe in Jesus?” I asked. She does and takes her son to church every Sunday, and he can’t stop talking about Jesus!
As we return to that restaurant, I continue to encourage her to attend church and to keep sharing Jesus’ love with her son.
Ken Schilf
New Haven, IN
Father, help me to continue encouraging others in their faith journey. Amen.
Reflect: Look and listen for opportunities to share Christ.
Read: Matthew 5:16 and Acts 2:44