Abraham breathed his last and died in a good old age ...
Genesis 25:8
Let’s imagine you’re 90 plus years old and in frail health. You are approaching the end of your life. As you look back, will you focus on the blessings and successes or the regrets?
Abraham must have done that. He had left home and family to go ... somewhere. He acted in faith! Some of his adventures led to great success. There were also several moments when he didn’t trust in God’s leadership. Could this be a description of your life too? Perhaps you had a few remarkable moments of success or delight. You’ve also had your share of failed relationships, of regret, of guilt.
You walked in faith. You have been surrounded by God’s love and forgiveness for you. And never forget — God is for you and with you, now and forever. Indeed, look back and remember God’s goodness for you!
Neal A. Orabka
North Las Vegas, NV
Lord, let your servant depart in peace. Amen.
Reflect: How has God been good to you?
Read: Hebrews 11:8-16 and Genesis 25:7-11