Consider the lilies ... even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Matthew 6:29
God’s miracles garner praise and thanksgiving from multitudes of people. Remission of an incurable disease. Rain after a long drought. The birth of a child. We tend to look for miracles in big events, unexpected happenings. But what about the little miracles?
Notice the sunflowers that turn and follow the sun. The dawn of a new day. The colony of ants working together. The interaction of chemicals and structures in your own body keeping you alive. We tend to take these for granted, but each is a small miracle designed by God. Each is a reason to praise him.
Terry Buethe
Gretna, NE
Gracious Father, open my eyes to see the miracles you put all around me every day. Move me to sing your praises and thank you for each of them. Amen.
Reflect: Look around you at this moment and list the small miracles you can see.
Read: Matthew 6:25-34 and 1 Kings 19:11-13