“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal ...”
Matthew 6:19
As the years go by, we acquire items from memorable trips, children’s crafted gifts, or the “must have” items, regardless of a true need. Suddenly we realize we live with so many items we are running out of room, and they may have lost their special meaning. We realize that many of our “prized collectables” are just clutter that our children will have to deal with once we are no longer here on earth.
Our question now becomes, “What do I do with all this stuff?” It is at this time we need to stop and think about where our priorities are ... with unneeded stuff, or with our treasures in heaven.
Don Hollmann
Ballwin, MO
Father God, when my priorities get off track, and I focus on earthy stuff, help me to return my focus and priorities to YOU. Amen.
Reflect: Look around and determine what is detracting from your relationship with God.
Read: 1 John 2:15 and 2 Corinthians 4:18