... the Word became flesh and dwelt among us ...
John 1:14
Our world has become too isolating. We interact with computers, robo calls, and message machines rather than with people. Where can individuals find help when they are overwhelmed?
When our Heavenly Father sent his son, Jesus, “He became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). Jesus sought out people who were lonely and needed help; (Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman, the lame man) he sat with them and listened.
Jesus asks us to do the same. As Christians, we can go to friends or family who are hurting, lonely, or afraid. We don’t need the “right words” or perfect advice. But we can sit patiently, listen fervently, and pray sincerely with them. We can offer comfort by just being there.
Donna Bobb
Carmel, IN
Dear Ever-Present Lord, send your Holy Spirit to help us be available for others. Amen.
Reflect: Whom can you spend time with this week?
Read: Psalm 46:10-11 and John 14:16-18